
The OCDB is a website designed to archive puzzles presented to contestants on the UK quiz show Only Connect.

What is Only Connect?

Only Connect is a long-running BBC Two quiz show. Hosted by Victoria Coren-Mitchell, two teams of three compete to find connections between seemingly unrelated clues. In the first round, teams are given up to four clues and must find the connection between them. In the second round, teams are given up to three clues in a sequence and must work out what the fourth item would be in the sequence. In the third round, the team is given a wall of 16 different clues, and must sort them into four groups of four connected items—they are given points for correctly sorting the groups, and bonus points for identifying the connections. The final round is a speed round, where both teams are on the buzzer trying to identify vowelless, randomly-spaced items in a variety of categories.

How do I use this site?

You can click the Episodes button at the top of the screen to view all the episodes in the database, organized by series and episode order. Click on an Episode to reveal the questions in each game. For rounds 1 and 2, the answer and any clues other than the first are hidden by default. They can be viewed by clicking or tapping on them. In round 3, the Connecting Wall’s connections are already grouped, but their solutions are hidden. In the final round, click on the Hidden Vowels entry to fill in the vowels.

The Search Box at the top of the screen will search any word on any episode page, and will highlight it for easier searching.

What if I’ve found a mistake?

Contact [email protected] with the error and I’ll correct it.